Wednesday, 18 March 2009

MyUcla | Ucla Admissions Decision

Wednesday, 18 March 2009
MyUCLA is a dynamic web portal to UCLA's services. All admitted students can access their own MyUCLA site by logging in at

Note: if you have not already done so, you'll need to first activate your UCLA Logon ID. Your Logon ID and password will be your key for logging in to secure sites at UCLA.

MyUCLA offers the following services for new students:

  • Confirmation of...
    • your California residency status
    • receipt of your official ACT and/or SAT scores (when required)
    • receipt of your official Advanced Placement (AP) scores (if any)
    • receipt of your official transcripts
  • Sign up for Orientation
  • Apply for the Honors Program

MyUCLA also has a calendar page with important dates highlighted for new students with 15 categories of events including class schedules, finals, counseling appointments, workshops, student elections, and enrollment periods.

As you continue at UCLA, your personalized MyUCLA page will change to reflect your evolving academic and social needs and interests.

Your page will have:

  • a study list with links to your course Web sites, classmates, and textbook lists.
  • access to your grades and assignments (when your professor uses the MyUCLA Gradebook).
  • a GPA Calculator.
  • Class Planner--schedules can be created, optimized, printed, saved, and shared with counselors.
  • timely notifications and subscriptions for resources on campus.
  • forums to discuss issues and share information.
  • integrated Web mail with address book, personal links, and online chat.
  • real-time Student Affairs information such as academic counseling appointments, contract courses, petitions, scholarships, and workshops.

Make MyUCLA your home page and consult it regularly to keep up with what's going on at UCLA.


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