Tuesday, 21 April 2009

New Directions in Criminal Lawyering and Judging Seminar/Workshop

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

New Directions in Criminal Lawyering and Judging Seminar/Workshop

Professor Bruce J. Winick


Required Books:

    Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Law as a Helping Profession
    (Dennis P. Stolle, David B. Wexler & Bruce J. Winick, eds., Carolina Academic Press, 2000)

    Symposium on Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Criminal Law, 38 Criminal Law Bulletin (No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 2002) (David B. Wexler & Bruce J. Winick eds.)

  1. New Directions in Criminal Lawyering
    1. The therapeutic jurisprudence/preventive law model of lawyering

      Dennis P. Stolle, David B. Wexler, Bruce J. Winick & Edward A. Dauer, Integrating Preventive Law and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: A Law and Psychology Based Approach to Lawyering (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 1

    1. The Psycholegal Soft Spot
      1. David B. Wexler, Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Psycholegal Soft Spots and Strategies, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 2
      2. Marc W. Patry, David B. Wexler, Dennis P. Stolle & Alan Tomkins, Better Legal Counseling Through Empirical Research: Identifying Psycholegal Soft Spots and Strategies, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 3
    2. New Directions in Offender Rehabilitation
      1. James McGuire, Can the Criminal Law Ever Be Therapeutic?, 18 Behav. Sci. & L. 414 (2000).
      2. David B. Wexler, Relapse Prevention Planning Principles for Criminal Law Practice, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 9
      3. David B. Wexler, Some Reflections on Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Practice of Criminal Law, (from Crim. L. Bull.)

    3. Plea Bargaining and Sentencing
      1. Bruce J. Winick, Redefining the Role of the Criminal Defense Lawyer at Plea Bargaining and Sentencing: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence/Preventive Law Model, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 10
      2. Astrid Birgden, Dealing with the Resistant Criminal Client: A Psychologically-minded Strategy For More Effective Legal Counseling, (from Crim. L. Bull.)
    4. Apology

      Carrie Petrucci, Apology in the Criminal Justice Setting: Evidence for Including Apology as an Additional Component in the Legal System, Behav. Sci. & L. (forthcoming)

    1. The Role of Counsel in Litigation

      Bruce J. Winick, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Role of Counsel in Litigation, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 11

  1. New Directions in Judging
    1. Introduction
      1. William Schma, Judging for the New Millennium, 37 Court Rev. 4 (Spring, 2000)
    2. Drug Treatment Court
      1. Peggy F. Hora, A Dozen Years of Drug Treatment Courts: Uncovering Our Theoretical Foundation and the Construction of a Mainstream Paradigm, Univ. Del. J. Drug Use & Misuse (forthcoming)
      2. Bruce J. Winick & David B. Wexler, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Drug Treatment Courts: A Symbiotic Relationship, in Principles of Addiction Medicine (Allan W. Graham & Terry K. Schultz eds. 3d ed. forthcoming)
      3. Martin Reisig, The Difficult Role of the Defense Lawyer in a Post-Adjudication Drug Treatment Court: Accommodating Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Due Process, (from Crim. L. Bull.)
    3. Domestic Violence Court
      1. Bruce J. Winick, Applying the Law Therapeutically in Domestic Violence Cases, 69 UMKC L. Rev. 33 (2000)
      2. Carrie J. Petrucci, Respect as a Component in the Judge-Defendant Interaction in a Specialized Domestic Violence Court that Utilizes Therapeutic Jurisprudence (from Crim. L. Bull.)

    1. Mental Health Court

      Randal B. Fritzler, How One Misdemeanor Mental Health Court Incorporates Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Preventive Law, and Restorative Justice, in Management and Administration of Correctional Health Care: Policy, Practice, Administration, Jacqueline M. Moore (Ed.), (forthcoming)

    1. Criminal Sentencing

      David B. Wexler, Robes and Rehabilitation: How Judges Can Help Offenders Make Good@, 38 Court Review 18 (Spring 2001)

    1. Restorative Justice

      John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence (from Crim. L. Bull.)


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