New Directions in Criminal Lawyering and Judging Seminar/Workshop
Professor Bruce J. Winick
Required Books:
Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Law as a Helping Profession
(Dennis P. Stolle, David B. Wexler & Bruce J. Winick, eds., Carolina Academic Press, 2000)
Symposium on Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Criminal Law, 38 Criminal Law Bulletin (No. 2, Mar.-Apr. 2002) (David B. Wexler & Bruce J. Winick eds.)
- New Directions in Criminal Lawyering
- The therapeutic jurisprudence/preventive law model of lawyering
Dennis P. Stolle, David B. Wexler, Bruce J. Winick & Edward A. Dauer, Integrating Preventive Law and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: A Law and Psychology Based Approach to Lawyering (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 1
- The Psycholegal Soft Spot
- David B. Wexler, Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence: Psycholegal Soft Spots and Strategies, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 2
- Marc W. Patry, David B. Wexler, Dennis P. Stolle & Alan Tomkins, Better Legal Counseling Through Empirical Research: Identifying Psycholegal Soft Spots and Strategies, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 3
- New Directions in Offender Rehabilitation
- James McGuire, Can the Criminal Law Ever Be Therapeutic?, 18 Behav. Sci. & L. 414 (2000).
- David B. Wexler, Relapse Prevention Planning Principles for Criminal Law Practice, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 9
- David B. Wexler, Some Reflections on Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Practice of Criminal Law, (from Crim. L. Bull.)
- Plea Bargaining and Sentencing
- Bruce J. Winick, Redefining the Role of the Criminal Defense Lawyer at Plea Bargaining and Sentencing: A Therapeutic Jurisprudence/Preventive Law Model, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 10
- Astrid Birgden, Dealing with the Resistant Criminal Client: A Psychologically-minded Strategy For More Effective Legal Counseling, (from Crim. L. Bull.)
- Apology
Carrie Petrucci, Apology in the Criminal Justice Setting: Evidence for Including Apology as an Additional Component in the Legal System, Behav. Sci. & L. (forthcoming)
- The Role of Counsel in Litigation
Bruce J. Winick, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and the Role of Counsel in Litigation, (Practicing Therapeutic Jurisprudence), Chapter 11
- New Directions in Judging
- Introduction
- William Schma, Judging for the New Millennium, 37 Court Rev. 4 (Spring, 2000)
- Drug Treatment Court
- Peggy F. Hora, A Dozen Years of Drug Treatment Courts: Uncovering Our Theoretical Foundation and the Construction of a Mainstream Paradigm, Univ. Del. J. Drug Use & Misuse (forthcoming)
- Bruce J. Winick & David B. Wexler, Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Drug Treatment Courts: A Symbiotic Relationship, in Principles of Addiction Medicine (Allan W. Graham & Terry K. Schultz eds. 3d ed. forthcoming)
- Martin Reisig, The Difficult Role of the Defense Lawyer in a Post-Adjudication Drug Treatment Court: Accommodating Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Due Process, (from Crim. L. Bull.)
- Domestic Violence Court
- Bruce J. Winick, Applying the Law Therapeutically in Domestic Violence Cases, 69 UMKC L. Rev. 33 (2000)
- Carrie J. Petrucci, Respect as a Component in the Judge-Defendant Interaction in a Specialized Domestic Violence Court that Utilizes Therapeutic Jurisprudence (from Crim. L. Bull.)
- Mental Health Court
Randal B. Fritzler, How One Misdemeanor Mental Health Court Incorporates Therapeutic Jurisprudence, Preventive Law, and Restorative Justice, in Management and Administration of Correctional Health Care: Policy, Practice, Administration, Jacqueline M. Moore (Ed.), (forthcoming)
- Criminal Sentencing
David B. Wexler, Robes and Rehabilitation: How Judges Can Help Offenders Make Good@, 38 Court Review 18 (Spring 2001)
- Restorative Justice
John Braithwaite, Restorative Justice and Therapeutic Jurisprudence (from Crim. L. Bull.)
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