Sunday, 22 March 2009

Kristin Davis Madam - Secrets Little Black Book

Sunday, 22 March 2009
Kristin Davis Madam

How revealing! Accused Manhattan madam Kristin Davis had an eye for business with a black book containing the names of customers who plunked down thousands for their pleasure.

Joe Blow paid cash. Mr. Adams came back two dozen times. David W. canceled because his wife was looking for him.

The secrets of those men and more than 2,000 other johns are laid bare in Manhattan madam Kristin Davis' little black book, obtained exclusively by the Daily News.

It's not actually a book, but a computer spreadsheet that should strike fear into the heart of any customer of Wicked Models, Maison de L'Amour or New York Body Miracle.

It logs more than $1.1 million in business and provides a rare and tantalizing glimpse into the workings of a high-priced call girl ring that attracted the rich and powerful.

There are lawyers, doctors, venture capitalists, out-of-town businessmen and even a professional poker player - successful men who thought nothing of spending $1,000 for an hour of illicit sex.

Davis, whose multimillion-dollar empire was dismantled this week, is rumored to have the "biggest black book in America," her lawyer has said.

But law enforcement officials yesterday shot down a report that then-Gov. Eliot Spitzer has been identified as a regular client of bottle blond Davis.

For More Information: Go Here


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